
Track FP Pro

Here comes the coolest and most powerful tracking software the world has ever seen! With the functionalities of both fingerprint tracking and mobile tracking, you can track your friends more easily and convenient!
Track FP Pro is a positioning software. You can locate your current place by fingerprint or by your cellphone number. Surely the fingerprint and mobile tracking is not real for Track FP Pro is but an entertainment software to give you and your friends great fun.
Track FP Pro have an additional function which is radar scanning. When fingerprint scanning is completed, radar scanning will operate automatically and track what is on the map, thus displaying a more concrete and vivid effect.
Track FP Pro supports three map models namely General map, Satellite map, and Terrain map and two tracking modes like mobile tracking and fingerprint tracking. 

1 条评论:

  1. 不知道怎么搞的。结婚后去才发现自己的子宫患有肌瘤。医生说不可以怀孕,非常危险。就算是婴儿试管也不可以。我和老公伤心极了。最后找了几家dai yun 中心。决定试试一家名叫彼奥的机构。结果我们成功了。太开心了!!真是谢天谢地! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
