
Timer for Fishing


It’s time for fishing! Come and go fishing with your friends.

Here is Time for Fishing, a casual game for entertainment! In water, there are various fishes, which have different coins and weight, so you have to reach the goal to enter into next level. Similarly, higher level fishing rods have higher functions, such as pull speed, force and fish weight, etc.

There fishing rods: bamboo rod, fiberglass rod and carbon fiber rod.

Come and enjoy it by yourself!

1 条评论:

  1. 结婚都快要4年了,都还没有拥有自己的孩子,非常的伤心,想要有孩子的您来这彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,绝对没有年龄的限制,他们的方法绝对值得您去尝试,他们可以给你你想要的宝宝,也提供舒适的住宿环境和丰盛的三餐。 祝各位幸福安康!加油哦哦! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯研究中心)
