Here is iBaby Record, a parenting app for green mother and father to help them how to take care of their new baby.
Breast milk: record feeding time when adding breast milk information and also can time when feeding and then click “done” to auto add feeding time.
Milk powder: fast record baby’s milk intake by sliding feeder item and also auto record feeding times and milk powder amount each day.
Milking: auto decrease breast milk amount after feeding each time.
Take a bath\poo\pee: record bath\poo or pee time in “Overview” item.
Overview: show details of each day for baby, such as when to take a bath, when to milk, when to shit, etc.
Statistics: summarize all data in the way of day, week, month, year, such as milk volume、breast milk.
Child health: show baby’s growth situation after recording growth data by parents, such as current weight, weight by or weight to xx or something like that.
Vaccine: remind parents to vaccinate baby according to baby birth date and also can add different vaccine types in different regions.
Backup: auto backup all you record data.
Last but not least, New Baby Record HD is suitable for 0 to 2 years old new baby.
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