
Black OPS


Here comes the most comprehensive and practical Black OPS walkthrough, allowing you to have a more overall, visualized understanding of the game's background, skills, storylines,processes,ect.,during the game.

Black OPS is a walkthrough based on the game Call of Duty 7 Black Ops,so all the contents and screenshots are owned and reserved by the game company. This software only provides game flow, introduction of skill points and other support materials.

Black OPS gives a most comprehensive introduction of Weapons, Perks, Maps, Mission, and Achieve in the game. It is a practical guide for the game and will give you a precise response to the various problems and properties encountered in the game. 

1 条评论:

  1. 我的一位女性朋友因为天生红血球较少。医生说怀孕会有生命危险。但是她和她的老公都很想有自己的孩子。只有领养或者代yun这两个方法。她选择了后者。找了很多家终于找到一家叫做彼奥的研究中心。他们现在有了自己的两个孩子。替他们开心! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
