
iWea Pro


iWea Pro has wonderful interface effects. There are several pictures in-built for each mode of weather. When you switch different cities,
you can see fade-in fade-out dazzling effects. It is a most practical software and it can display expressly  your personality.
iWea Pro always gives full consideration for users and it can provide you simple as well as practical weather information.
While you are checking the weather info. of current day,you can also brush the screen's upper side where you can see more details including rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, ect.
You can add several cities to iWea Pro so that you can check their weather info..
When you turn on the software at the first time, it will locate your current city automatically and will collect the current weather information of your city.
In this way, you can get the weather information of your city for the very first time.
There are multiple background pictures for each kind of weather.
By this, you can see various pictures while switching cities,each picture indicating a certain weather condition.
The professional version of iWea Pro supports automatical positioning, checking the weather info. of multiple cities, shift of various backgrounds,and it costs only $0.99!

1 条评论:

  1. 结婚后3年无法怀孕。老公和我去医院检查后才发现老公的睾丸产出的精子非常少。医生劝说使用婴儿试管但是失败了2次。真的好想放弃。最后好朋友告诉我去尝试代yun。找到了一家叫做彼奥的医疗机构。他们的医生非常的仔细告诉我们每一个步骤。不会为了利益而乱来。最后信了他们成功有了自己的孩子。开心极了!! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
