
Healthy Sleep


Are you having a healthy sleep? Or are you troubled by insomnia and have to do the sheep-counting over and over again every night?
With Healthy Sleep, you are almost free from insomnia now! Healthy Sleep can relieve the agony of insomnia to a certain extent. Come and download it!
Healthy Sleep is a very convenient software. You don't have to do complicate settings but only choose a certain type of lullabies.
There are four types of healthy sleeping modes which are senior, child,woman,and the white-collar. Once you open the software, you can pick the right music mode and begin to fall asleep without other concerns.
Additionally, you can set backgrounds, add lullabies,define the classification of lullabies and import head pictures according to your own prefrences.
Nore than ten pieces of in-built music and icons are available for your self-defining choice.

1 条评论:

  1. 我不知道上辈子造了什么孽。竟然被医生查出子宫畸形。有了孩子,也要等流产。医生说我不可以怀孕。我可是伤心极了。结婚了才知道这个事情。后来就尝试了这家名叫彼奥的代yun中心。我们听了医生的解释才下定决心的。现在有了自己的孩子,家里变得好幸福。 Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
