
Splendid WP for iPad

Here comes the coolest, the most kaleidoscopic, and the most dazzling HD symphony of lights and colors!
If you are a huge fan of colors and sparks, you must not miss our collection of Splendid WP HD for iPad!
The whole collection displays vividly the subtle gradation in colours and the sudden bloom of hues. At the first glance, you will be charmed instantly by these splendid and gorgeous lights as well as waves. While in front of these wallpapers, you see the dazzling sky filled with millions of bright stars, also you see the shimmering sea or lake with constantly smiling waves.
Knowing someone by his reputation is not as good as meeting him in person. Why not come and pick some of the pictures for your iPad? Surely you will get both surprise and great fun! 

1 条评论:

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