
Diary Pro for iPhone

Diary Pro is an electronic diary. It will accompany you every day and record your happiness, sadness and joy.
Diary Pro is also an intellective diary having the functionality of automatic weather searching. While you are writing a diary, it will search the current weather condition of your city automatically and display the info. by graphs. In this way, you don't have to search the weather manually though you can set the weather features by yourself.
There are several sets of moods in-built which are fun, happiness, surprise and astonishment, etc. And you can just choose the icon to express your present feeling.

Moreover, you can set a password for your diary to prevent others from seeing your private journals.
Last but not least, the personalized interface will surely give you an exceptional experience! 

1 条评论:

  1. 本人不知道什么事情,就是无法成功怀孕。老公和我都做了全身身体检查也查不出什么病。吃了很多补品还是没有怀孕。婴儿试管不敢尝试因为是因为很伤身子,而且失败机率很高。最后选择了代yun。找到了一家名叫彼奥的医疗机构。他们的服务价格都很棒!真的很感谢他们。我有了自己可爱的宝宝! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
