
Wea Pro

Wea Pro is a professional weather forecast software. It can locate your present city automatically so you don't have to enter it by hand. This software can forecast the weather information for the next four days. Besides, its interface and background will change in accordance with the current weather conditions. The forecasting messages include the current weather, temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind speed and wind direction. It is an essential software for travels!
By Wea Pro, you can set up several cities and delete them easily in the Setting column. When you turn on the software at the first time, it will locate your current city automatically and will collect the current weather information of your city. In this way, you can get the weather information of your city for the very first time.
There are four photos built-in for each kind of weather respectively. When you see the background, you just know what the weather is like. In this way, you can know better and easier about the current weather.
This formal version of Wea Pro supports automatic positioning, weather forecasts for various cities, various backgrounds, and all these cost only $0.99! 


1 条评论:

  1. 我本身患有子宫颈黏液不全。子宫颈位于阴道与子宫体之间,作为瓶颈,对子宫确实起到了很好的保护作用。在平日里,子宫颈分泌的黏液少而黏稠,精子根本无法进入子宫。这是医生说得。有点听不懂,反正就是结婚了6年都无法怀孕。婴儿试管试了3次失败。最后尝试一家名叫彼奥的代yun机构。我们有了第一个宝宝! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
